Friday, August 23, 2013

10k or bust

Well, I wish I could write that I was feeling totally ready for this run but considering I only ran 3 miles this week and was stressed out in continual corporate meetings instead - I am feeling physically & emotionally unready for a challenging run. Add in dancing into the night mid week in ridiculously high heels and having swollen, tender and blistered feet, this is likely the worst prep I could have possibly done for a long timed run.

Did I mention that I also have to ride 6 miles to the run first??? Aaaaaah!!!!!!

Ok- at this point, tomorrow's race  is about finishing a 10k and not about form, timing, or pace. I am going to take this run slow and easy before I have to ride the additional 6 miles back home. (Sigh)

Thank god for real training on the horizon that I can feel good about! 

Wish me luck on this one! 

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