Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Big day!

I was a nervous wreck the morning of the race, and was awake at 4:30 am...since I knew I was not going back to sleep I got up and starting prepping for the race...water, snacks, watch, breakfast, etc etc..

Up and out the door at 5:30 am, I headed out to get to the parking location and get the shuttle into Palos Verdes. I was at the event space about 45 minutes early and got a chance to again eat, and get situated. By the time it was run time, my nervous energy was anxious to get it started already! I hugged my sister and headed into the starting lineup.

Thankfully, I did not really look at the course too hard before I signed up, as I had no idea what lay ahead. We set out for 1 .5 miles south before turning back north to the real challengin course that would take us through Lunada Bay and Rancho Palos Verdes Estates...and a roller coaster of a run.

The hills were one after the other, winding through the residential streets with amazing ocean views and mansions but still,  one hill after another....crazy challenging.

I knew on most of the hills, it was best to not run all the way up each and instead save my energy for the peak and hitting them faster so I was not burning out early. I watched many a person try to run the hills only to be passed by me after we reached the top. 

Mile 7, I was dying to go to the bathroom and thankfully they had a random port-a-potty on a corner, I ran up to it only to have to wait for the person inside to come out- he was clearly in no hurry. I lost some time but hoped to make it up at some point later. The advice I was given earlier was still ringing in my ears- 'just enjoy the race, and forget about the time - anything is a personal record'. Great advice and I had no idea how hard of a course this hilly run would be for my first half so I just decided to enjoy the views and get there when I get there...I wanted to enjoy my hard work and finish feeling strong.

By mile 9, I was feeling the challenge in my body, and already digging deep to keep going....these hills were hard and my asthma meds were working for me but also racing my heart rate. When I saw the mile 10 sign, I was so happy and telling myself- " You got this! Only 3 miles left, you ran these easily during your weekly runs!" 

Mile 11, I was feeling great knowing I only had 2 miles left and when I got to mile 12- I was elated....until I turned the corner and saw just past the sign....the highest, steepest hill all day lay ahead just after the heart sank. I was tired and had no idea how on earth I was going to tackle that hill when my goal had been to kill the last mile fast. I decided to walk most of that killer hill and not waste my energy trying to run up it. A lot of people around me decided the same, but even walking that hill was challenging. one guy got out his iphone & used the level app to see the degree angle on the hill- people were shocked how steep it was.

Once I was nearly at the top, I started to run, as most of the remainder of the race was downhill, with only one incline before the final decent to the finish line. I was tired, but ready to get this race finished. The last bit downhill was all adrenaline pushing me. Apparently a couple people collapsed near the finish straightaway so I ended up running through a fire truck and 2 ambulances - just trying to concentrate on my finish ahead.

I was so elated when I hit the home stretch, I did it! It was amazing...I was so excited to run through that gateway and stop...I was tired and thrilled but had to get the timer off my shoe and get some more water. I hugged my sister and  described the last hill, she said many people were talking about it when they ran into the finish. She said the ambulences were for a couple people that passed out right after one another on the decent down.

The adrenaline was gone now, and suddenly, I was unable to catch my breath, it was frightening. I took off all my gear and walked away from my sister, trying to get it together. My breath was short and not in my lungs, it felt like I was hyperventilating. I looked over at the ambulances thinking I might need them too in a moment, as I might very well pass out. I could feel my lungs were clear, so the inhaler was useless, I decided I needed to calm down and deep breathe though my nose. I had to try to get a deep breath in my lungs and slow my heart. All the asthma meds I took before the run may very well have helped me but also working against me at this point. 

A lifetime of asthma teaches you when not to panic and when you need to ask for help....I was trying to help myself, but fearing I might have pushed myself too hard having just been so sick. My sister noticed a woman running in after me, into her husbands arms then quickly passing out with him catching her before she hit the ground. 

I was in my own world, trying to catch my breath and calm my body down..a few moments later and the deep nasal breaths made the difference...I was finally feeling good, and finally soaking up the moment. I did it!

Wow..I really did it.

All the training really paid off. I was so happy, it was done and I could rest and take it in...I ran a crazy roller coaster and did what I never thought I was ever capable of doing! Wow.

All the good runs, bad runs, hard days, and longs runs- it all adds up. Amazing.

I am taking the rest of November to get totally well before I pick up the training again in December for my next half marathon next Feb..the one that was originally going to be my first...who knew it could all happen so much faster..I am excited to take on the next one, I can worry about time and pace next time...the first one is showing yourself  you can do it! And now I know , I really can!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Last run before the race!

Yesterday was my last pre-race run and I ran 3.5 miles. I included more hills and slopes in my run as to mimic the conditions of what I shall face...though the unknown is always more scary in our head.

While techincally, still recovering from bronchitis, I still require my inhaler more than once a day and definitely before I run. I am also running a full minute slower than my typical pace but am chalking it up to still getting my strength back. Yes, I run and cough a lot, and feel my lungs are not what they were PRE-sicknes but I am on the mend and for that I am grateful...and despite my Dr's best advice, I am taking on this run as scheduled..but with a new approach.

I no longer care about my time. As many have said- any finish time at this point is a personal record! I think it is amazing I am even doing this at all and am excited to get the FIRST ONE in my back pocket...the next one can be about timing...Can you believe I am saying anything about a NEXT one? CRAZY!

My original goal was prepping for the Austin Half marathon in Feb 2014...and instead I progressed so far in a few months that I was able to move the goal date up. Clearly I am more capable than I gave myself credit for originally...but I also got more with this endeavor, like a new enthusiasm for running, for my health, and for life...I committed to a schedule, to a run group, to learning, and to failing and learning...or perhaps that should read to falling and learning, as I did both.

I never imagined me capable physically before for such an event, always thinking I was too challenged with asthma. Always, per my Doctor's words, that these were the lungs I was given, and these knee and hip issues were genetic misfortunes but the cards I am dealt none the less. Big *sigh* here if you believe in others telling you what you cannot do....but as for me- not so much!

Now, I know I can do it- though given the current circumstances I know it will also not be an easy race...but anything worthwhile is not easy...and I think if I am patient with myself, I can complete the 13.1 miles and celebrate this challenge as conquored. I am not running again this week til my Saturday run so all I have time to do is dream about it! I am so very excited to share the outcome of this journey soon..but make no mistake, it is certainly NOT my last race.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Fighting the good fight

Um, yea. I am on day 3 of antibiotics and apparently they are not wonder pills! I am still feeling sick. Though better than I felt a few days ago. None the less, to my doctor's dismay, I was not skipping my last long run before the race next week. Though I admit I was moving slow and not excited to run.

So I got up had some coffee, ate half a bagel and headed out. At about 3/4 of a mile from home I realize I forgot my water bottle on the counter..and now that I thnk of it, I forgot my watch too...wait...feels like I need a bathroom as well...ugh!!!

I turn and head back home- it's feeling like a hot day ahead so I know I cannot do without. Today is my last run through before game day so I need all the things I plan to use in this rehearsal. I get home, get what I need and head back out. My day is not starting off great as I am already an hour behind schedule and feeling sluggish ...but clearly determined.

Around mile 4-5 I am feeling soooo tired. I just want to go home. I try to get lost in the tunes but my mind is working overtime telling me "the body is unwell- what are you doin?" "Cut this run short and rest!" " do you wanna pass out? How 'Bout we stop soon?" " you really think in this kinda shape you are going to be able to run 13.1 miles?"  " I think you should skip next week and just do your original plan to run in Feb!"

I have to push back...I argue with myself. " I can do this! I have been running for months! You are just tired because you have been sick, and your monthly cycle means you are running on low estrogen!" 
" you will be stronger next week in every way!" " chill out, I am only running 8 miles today" " enjoy the 1 min walks- see I am taking it easy?!"

Finally, rounding home- the last half mile was excruciating...I was hot, tired and I just wanted to go get back on the sofa and rest.

I did it though...8 miles (technically 9.5 miles if you count the initial run and return) 

Maybe not the best thing I have done but I have been training during this whole illness anyways...and this time- I have antibiotics in my system helping me push onward.

Nearly there...I am terrified..but excited to try.

Now back to bed.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Closing in on the goal

I am not gonna lie- the last 3 weeks have probably been the worst in my training- not the distances but the additional road blocks and obstacles. The mental toll they are taking as I approach the starting line in about a week, has affected me more than I would like to admit.

Today, after 3 weeks of fighting this bug, and it sinking deeper into my chest, I went to the Dr and started antibiotics. Clearly, the virus was not running it's course and leaving and instead making a home in my lungs- no bueno.  The prognosis: bronchitis. Z-pack meds and I should be feeling better in 5 days, just in time for the race. My bruised and scraped knees are improved from the fall and I know in my heart I am on the mend- finally.

I was only able to do one 3 mile run this week and skipped my run this morning for time in the Dr office instead. I am hoping the long run this Saturday- 8 miles, come easier than the last few long runs. I am counting on having a stronger week as I lead up to race day next Saturday.

I reached out to an online friend who founded RUNspiration- a wonderfully inspiring site for runners in need of positive vibes and stries for advice as she noted her half marathon anniversary. Instead of offering her experience- she did one better and reached out to the RUNspiration community and asked them to offer advice to this first time half marathoner...a few minutes later and there were nearly 200 comments from all over the country offering sage advice and positive words. 

This is exactly what I needed. It really made me feel like I got this- that all that noise in my head is just noise. After I checked back on the comments today, there are now over 400 wonderful words of advice.

Some of my favorites included: 
"don't forget to smile, and take it all in. When it gets tough, look around and and use the support from everyone cheering you on."
"You got this, you trained for this, 13.1 is attainable"
"Run your own race, not the with the person next to you"
"It's a mind game- one foot in front of the other"
"You go girl"
"It's automatically a personal record- don't worry about your time, enjoy the race, the people, and be prepared to sign up for the next one- they are addicting"
"Trust your training, don't worry about being passed or passing others. Just run your best. And after you finish, soak it up- you did it! And stretch stretch stretch some more!"

I will be rereading this post just before the race! 

I am living in hope and trust in the work I have done to date.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Digging Deep

I have to say I was already feeling intense trepidation before my run today. My last run where I fell and hurt my knees (& ego), really took a toll on my positive outlook. The viral bronchitis setback also has had me wondering if I would lose all of my recent gains as I struggled to just do a few miles, so I was scared before heading out today.

I used my inhaler and set out to do a minimum of 6 miles but hoping for more. The first 3 miles were tough but I was determined to keep going to 4 miles and turn around. I was experimenting with walking less and seeing how I feel...but my running pace was still slower than my norm, I was clearly still battling the effects of being sick the last 2 weeks. It's hard not to feel disappointed when you have been stronger, faster and in better shape not so long ago but now it feels so very far away. And running in general feels like its all uphill.

With all that though, I completed 8 miles...My knees are sore, as was the bottom of one foot- I seem to limp quite a bit after my run all Sunday.

So here I am- vacillating between pushing myself to do the Malibu Half this next weekend or giving myself an additional week and doing the PV Half ....I feel like right now, given my long run performance, either is going to be tough...I am still coughing and tired when I had hoped I would be approaching the race strong and more confident. Thank god for endorphins- they keep me pushing, and numb the pain when I hit the wall around mile 8. I was grateful to stop at 8 this weekend...just ready to rest my body instead of pushing onward.

Maybe this November race will be less about a good time and more about just finishing- that was my original goal, right?... Perhaps, Austin can be my race about personal bests....perhaps I need to lay off myself and just congratulate myself for the effort...many people do not even try. Even if I come in DFL (dead f'ng last) I will have completed something I never even dreamed I was capable of doing.
I need to find some more encouraging words to help me get to the finish line this month and just be happy with how far I have come. It's about setting a goal and completing's too easy to compare myself to others- I need to remember the race is with myself and no one else.

"It's not about how fast I get there, it's not about what's waiting on the other side.... its the climb!"

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Being tested: Road kill and illness

Today's run was almost as bad as it gets...minus getting hit by a car or something.

It was my last day in October to run a 5k...Since there was no time to run an actual race. My friend and I decide to go to the US Road website. You can run your own virtual 5k, 10k or half - register for free and post your results. You can see how you stack up against other runners across the country. Not a traditional way to run a race but worked with my schedule this month. You can actually pay & receive a medal but really- who wants a medal for racing alone? But if you are all about the swag, then I suppose this is another way to get some.

This month my schedule was filled- I had traveled, had lots of early am meetings, longer mileage and I also got sick. Last week, a fever, asthma and general malaise had me home in bed for 2 days only to be left this week with a lingering cough and continuing asthma. I was so determined to hit my 12 miler last weekend, that I ran while not completely in the pink again. I felt pretty good after that run so I assumed I was on an upswing and getting out of the illness.

But while I feel better, I have been very tired and the cough has gotten worse..I laid off running this week til this morning. I knew this run would not only be my only chance to run the virtual 5k for my yearly goal of a race-a-month but also determine if I am well enough to run in 2 weeks for Malibu Half.

This run was HORRIBLE!!!!

It was dark when I set out- but I took my asthma meds and was feeling good. I set off, running through my mind how I can do the course with little interruption or need to hit a stop light, wait for cars, or hit any high hills. I wanted a clean run but right out of the gate- my lungs were on fire and I was hacking like a 20 year smoker. I knew this run was not going to be a personal best but I kept going.About a mile running in the dark, I had to get back on the sidewalk, and as I was running up an incline, my toe caught an electrical metal, square man-hole and I went down- fast and hard! Perfect faceplant! I was so caught off guard I had little time to try to stop myself. Thankfully I was wearing thick supports on both knees and had on a long sleeve shirt (which was so long it went down past my hands, to keep me warm.) All this protected my body from major damage - My knees were still skinned and sore but not to the extent they could have been and my hands were protected by the shirt so I only had the soreness from the fall on my body instead of a road rash and blood.

I picked myself up and started to run again but I was hurting and hit the timer pause button while I got myself together to see if I could even continue. Being stubborn, I hit the run button again and set out to finish. Slower but hoping I might be able to pull it off at the end- nearing mile 2, a shoelace comes undone and I must stop once again to deal- off goes the timer. But mentally I am thinking.."Seriously??? Are you kidding me?? This run has already mentally screwed me over!"  BUT I sucked it up and tied it, hoping no more obstacles were in my future and continued on- coughing and hacking. I was feeling like I had just started running for the first time in my life after giving up cigarettes..Mental games continued: "How do I rebound from this? How do I push on when my lungs are just not on the same page??? How will I run in less than 2 weeks in Malibu when I still am on the mend?"   I stopped and walked after mile 2 for a little bit but did not stop the clock..I just needed to get home and figure out my game plan for my half run. I knew I needed to give myself some time to's all I can do now.

I completed the run of 3 miles in 31:44 - not horrible but much longer than my best run. After the mileage, I walked home the rest of the way and felt the soreness in my knees start...All I could do was admit to myself that Malibu in not in my near future and I would need to lose that registration money, postopone the half run another week and just do the Palos Verdes Half Marathon..a harder course but one that buys me another week of lung recovery and time to get my mental game back.

Fingers crossed I do not have to lose out on PV too and I am completely recovered when the race gets here. I can't help but feel disappointed and worried, this illness makes me lose some time in what I have worked so hard for this year on race day.

Now off to Walgreens for some Mucinex!  (insert deep sigh here)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

12 miles!

Holy cr@p! I ran 12 miles!!!!
And while still recovering from a virus! Yes, I realize not the smartest decision to stick to my training plan while still recouping- BUT none the less amazing to myself.

I got up Saturday morning and under a cloudy sky, I decided to eat breakfast, fuel up and have some coffee & see how I feel about a run...the week behind me was all fatigue, fever and asthma. I knew sticking to my training plan was a dicey idea but I thought- either Sat or Sunday I hoped to do the 12 miles long planned. I used my inhaler, grabbed my water and snacks and headed out.

I decided my goal was to run at least 10 miles but running was harder than I planned and I was feeling like my body was not at its best. I knew this was the virus hanging on so I decided to run as much as I can and as slow as needed. I was thinking as I was in the first few miles that this run might be only a 5-6 mile run...but as I got to 4 miles, I knew that meant 4 back so I was at least at 8 miles so somewhere between 4 and 5 miles I realized I was pushing it and turned I got back in my home area, I was already past 8 miles so I knew I could push myself to 10...and I did. At 10 miles, I thought, it's only one more extra mile out and back to get to my long awaited 12 miles so I decided after going back & forth mentally to quit or keep just dig deep for the last 2 miles. I was hoping I did not fall short and give out at 11 miles- so still jogging between a 11;30 to 12:00 pace due to my body's fatigue, I toughed it out like never before. To make sure I was not pushing myself too hard- I took 1 minute walk breaks every 10 minutes and walked a few extra times at the end of the run to catch my breath.

I ran and extended into my other neighborhoods, waiting to hear my audio prompt that I hit 12 miles. I never wanted a run to end more than that moment and when my iPhone announced 12 miles I stopped, caught my breath and walked the rest of the way home. I was never so tired and proud in my whole life! Also the amazing thing- no knee pain, it had come and left, no hip pain, no foot pain...I pushed past it for the first time ever! Amazing- how you can push past the point when you think you can't go any can push yourself a little farther and still again.  I felt like I might cry, emotions were right at the surface, when I was nearly maxed out but pushed on..and now I see tears in my future at my half finish line! 

I am still feeling like I need some time to recoup further, so in spite of a strenuous run- I might still skip Malibu and do the PV half instead so I can be 100% plus when it's Half Marathon D-day! 

Now I know I can do this 13.1 mile run but am still scared at how hard I will have to push myself to complete it. I am excited though to hit that finish line. 

View from the Hermosa Beach green belt path.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Highs and lows in training.

A couple weeks ago, I made an adjustment to the training plan from my running group. I cut some miles off the long runs so it was not so ramped up and I felt good about my 10 mile runs before I jumped to the 12 miler. The adjustment made sense for me and helped me mentally get up in mileage by tackling one hurdle before attempting the next.

Last weekend I had a 6 mile run but was traveling to visit friends in Vegas. Yes, that means little sleep and more drinks than usual on a weekend! In spite of this, I was determined to get my 6 miles in before I left there. I did so on Sunday morning- the heat, hangover and dehydration was already looming as I left their house for my run. I did it though and felt pretty damn good for not letting the fun take my training off schedule. Then I got home and got a virus. It settled in my chest and asthma prevailed all week. I missed work and one planned run..on the day I was just starting to feel better (but not 100%) - I attempted to run my usual 3 miles. However, I could not make it to 3 lungs hurt and my body was really tired. I was at 2.88 miles and just had to stop, I was giving in and decided to be happy with the effort instead of the mileage. I coughed the rest of the day and was physically exhausted.

This weekend I am scheduled to run 12 miles- first ever. However, I am still coughing a lot and my body is still achey and tired. Do I run Saturday? Or wait another day to recover more and attempt to run Sunday instead ? I fear this illness is going to slow down my progress or worse- I fear this weekends run will not be 12 miles as scheduled but something far less and I take a step or two back as I recover from this virus. I am worried that like the past, this virus will take a couple weeks off my plans. 

I decided if my run this weekend is bad- I may push my half marathon from the Malibu run to the PV Half run which is a week later and gives me more time to get over this thing and get back on track. But I can decide all that AFTER my long run this weekend.

Wish me luck.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Another long run!

Sunday I ran about 10.5 miles...after adjusting the LA Leggers program to be more of a comfortable mileage climb, I decided to run some of the runs by myself instead of killing myself on their course and killing myself to get to Santa Monica so early in the morning. I figured since I have to run the next couple races alone, I need to learn how to use what they have taught me thus far and develop a strategy that is going to work for me to get thru my first half marathon .....which, by the way, is coming up very quickly now.

I took a new and beautiful course thru the green belt in Hermosa and Manhattan Beaches, and listened to my tunes and tried to concentrate on running slow and consistently. I did the run/walk approach just like they teach us and knew when I hit 5 miles, I was going to turn around home. Unfortunately, my running app only signals me every 2 miles so well after I hit 4 miles, I checked my app to see how much farther was my 5. - That is when I accidentally hit some button...and now it started to chime out directions for run/walking a 5k....argh!!!!  I had turned the brightness down to save the battery and could not understand what I pushed to undo my error. So I just decided (from experience now) where I thought I was hitting the 5 miles and turned to change my route and head back a longer way to be safe and hit my 10 mi goal. 

By mile 7 or 8 my knees were starting to hurt again...not so intense but I knew this ending would be like the rest...very challenging as I ran through the pain and reveled in my 1 minute walk breaks. I was pretty sure by mile 9.5 that I was going to have a hard day after this knees wanted to stop...and not just the left one anymore! The right one was joining in the choir of singing to me about pain. I was not feeling like my leg would give out but I also felt continuing like this does me no good in the long term.

When you struggle- Your mind begins to question whether you should even be doing this, that perhaps genetically you were not gifted with a body to take this kind of pavement pounding. On a whole, my body feels strong, like I can continue to run longer still if not for the what do you do? I want to listen to my spirit, not my body...but I know I need both to work together. 

I ran a little farther than my house just to be sure I was over my goal and ignored my pings in the knees- but I wanted to go as far as I could take it...I need to get closer to 13.1 before the big day and feel good about it. On a whole this run was better than my first 10 miler- but still not great.

I am still healing from the run, my knees are still sore today, and I keep thinking..."how am I ever going to do 13? " ...I still don't know... But if I have to walk the last mile or two...I will finish that race no matter what...I have to.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Solo training run

Since this was a recovery week, and our long run was only 5 miles today, I decided to run this one without the group. Skipping the early am alarm, driving all the way to Santa Monica , finding parking, and then getting over to our meet up space. Then running, and making my way back to the car, paying for parking, and fighting traffic all the way home......yeah, I decided to do 5 miles in my hood and call it a day. I was so happy to only have to run 5,  a statement that seems crazy but clearly the training is working! 

I did not do the run/walk we do in our training, instead I ran nearly all of it and took only a few very short walk breaks. I also ran my fastest pace at 7:54 (likely downhill) and slowest pace at 11:19 (likely walking pace) but average around 10:20... 

The run overall was good, and I am glad to get it out of the way before the heat this weekend. I hit a few sets of stairs, and at the end one steep incline! I feel good, no knee problems, no hip issues, but yea- I am a little tired.

Next week: 12 miles! OMG!!!! I am terrified! 

Best run song today: Lose yourself - Eminem

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Looking ahead & going for it!

Well, This blog may end sooner than planned. After my 10 mile run this weekend, I was feeling optimistic, in spite of the knee pain. I signed up for the Malibu Half Marathon on November 10th!
With only 2 days left for registration, I just pulled the trigger.

I decided, even if I have to walk the last 3 miles, I am going to do this & end this year plus all this training so far on a HIGH note. I am still registerd for Austin's Half Marathon, which I plan to complete as well. But I al looking at this as the GOAL reacher, and a learning experience. I hope to make the Austin run that much better, having completed one already and knowing what to expect of myself. I can feel less pressured there and simply enjoy the challenge & check out this awesome city!

39 days left to train for it! I am both both excited and freaked out. According to my schedule, I get a 5 mile as my long run this weekend- so I am happy about that!  You will hear me complain the week after when I have to run... 12 miles! whew! tired already thinking about it! But like the rest, I thought  were impossible and I am going to prove to myself that I can do it!

Wish me luck as I continue to train!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

A rough 10 miles...

I was so pumped this morning to run my first double digit run. 10 miles! While I was excited, I also was terrified of how my body would do going that far. We started at 6:45 this morning, and my trepidation was not entirely about the mileage but the north route we were taking. I knew now from experience the inclines and hills here do a number on my knees. I was worried but hopeful today could be different.
I was reminded in mile 6 that this route was painful. I have no idea why as I run hills and inclines in Redondo Beach but somehow these hills ....they just punish my one tendon.

At mile 8 I was in pain, no longer in hills, but the damage was done and I was struggling. How was I to do the last 2 miles? A mentor told me to drop out but I pushed on (stupid) and finally at mile 9, pulled the trigger and dropped away from the group. I ran/walked the last mile back but with more walking. The pain was now shooting up my leg and it felt like my leg was going to give out underneath me.

I was so disappointed, mostly because I wanted to finish with my group...though I finished about 4-5 minutes behind them. I was mostly bummed that I missed that run that I could feel so good about, and be able to scream I DID IT! ... I feel like I am grumbling the words instead.

Stupid, right? I did it but it did not happen the way I had hoped, so I feel a little robbed of my moment.
I know I need to get over it, I did it...and that is something to be proud of anyway. And I am that much closer to that 13.1 half marathon! 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Another 8 mile run!

This run went better than the first 8 mile run but I am thinking it may have been due to a less hilly course and possibly- the gummy bears.

The snack table was early in the run so I just grabbed some gummy bears and saved them for later. I loaded them in my water belt holster like gummy bullets. And tried them about about mile 4 and was encouraged by the yummy instant sugar bolt to help me keep going on this run.

No major knee or foot pain, so I am chalking that up to the course today. Mostly flat with only one hill. We had another runner fall today, a tall 6 foot 7 inch guy who had a long way to go before he hit the ground but it looked like he was not paying attention to the road changes and just tripped on uneven ground. 

I don't have a clue how I will be able to run 10 miles next week as I was so tired from this run. But I think I said that before when I had to run the 10k and that 8 here's hoping I can get into double digits injury-free!  6:45 am run next week and 10 miles - omg, I am nearly at the half marathon mileage! 

LA Leggers gather with their pace groups before the run starts! 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Recovery days

So I finally learned the hard way that recovery days are truly important. Last week I stuck to my mid-week training schedule and ran Tuesday and Thursday in preparation for my long run on Saturday. I decided to take a relaxing yoga class on my lunch on Friday, only to get into class and have the instructor ask me "where are your weights?" ....ummm, wait, ....what?!

So it appeared my 'yoga for athletes' class had been turned into a Yoga RIPPED class. Which meant it kicked my ass instead of relaxing legs and arms shook after class...I was dreading my long run on Saturday.

I did the run Saturday, but was feeling pain the last 2 miles in my knee...and oh, by the way, I had a long ago scheduled 5k race on Sunday...looking back now..I should have skipped it and just recovered from the last 3 days but as you know....that is not what I did. I ran the race...or rather I limped and jogged thru the race....

My Sunday afternoon was filled with icing my knee, icing my swelling foot muscle, soaking in Epsom salt, taking Advil and elevating my feet - basically stuck couch bound. I decided not to run or exercise again for the next 3 days- icing, and soaking and stretching instead. It's hard to sit still....But It's really hard not to feel anxious when you are missing training days.

Today was my first run back, and I did an easy 3 miles just slow and steady. No pain, no swelling- so onto more advil and used some preventative ice as I drove into work. My new shoe inserts took some getting used to but I think they will help as I dare to do the long 8 miles again this weekend. Sunday will be all rest until I get on a plane to Vegas for work.

I am not going to take recovery days for granted again...I will listen when my body pushes back and made a pact with running friend that we will not push ourselves to feel obligated to do that monthly race pact if we really should be resting..we both agreed this week "isn't all this running supposed to be making us healthy? Not tearing us up!" ..Yes, We know better now!

Best song today: Run, Baby, Run by Sheryl Crow

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Day after long run: a 5k race? Sure... Why not!?

So long ago I agreed to a race a month with a co-worker. So I had signed up for some of these races long before I joined the running group and learned about my training schedule. 

Thus a running weekend with an 8 mile run followed the next day with a 5k race at USC for Prostrate Cancer Research...aargh. My left knee muscle (now learned it is called the popliteus muscle) was already bothering me from the 8 mile run so I was really dreading the race today.

My running partner and I laughed this morning when we were walking to the race, we said, "At least it's only 3 miles!", a sentence we both could not believe. We agreed we had already come a long ways to be able to say that now. But he was still feeling stiff in his calves from his hill sprints on Thursday and the 8 miler yesterday. So we both walked to the race limping and moaning about how much we did not want to do this but knowing neither of us could back out without the other giving such grief, it would not be worth it.

He was still going for a good run time, and  I told him to go for it. I was going to run/walk it to save my knee. We split up at the start line, me hanging back and him moving to the front but we agreed to meet at the water fountain afterwards. As anticipated, the race was painful...I was feeling my knee scream before I even hit the mile 1 marker. I was walking before I passed the marker and by 1.5 miles, I was thinking of dropping out completely. I realized though that either way I had to get back to where we started so I figured I might as well complete the race and just walk as much as I needed. I walked a lot! Though I did not walk for minutes at a time, I stopped again and again when my knee was telling me too- I was miserable. The pain is gone when walking and appears during the I walked and ran and walked and ran some more...somewhere I missed the mile 2 sign and was feeling unhappy that quitting was no longer an option. I was too damn stubborn to give up. 

Nearing the end, I went for it, trying to gain some time back from all the walking. After I got to the home stretch I could not feel my knee, only hear my friend screaming for me- and the crowd cheering. I finished in 31:41. Not bad for all the walking, but I was really happy that I finished what I set out to do.

We celebrated our week run efforts with a great breakfast. I treated my feet to an Epsom salt soak and am icing my knee up. I feel pretty good, and see my body is recovering quicker and quicker each week. I feel like I am on my way!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

8 miles - whew!

Today my running group ran 8 miles...yikes, that felt really far!

I was good up until my running partner (remember the two x two running line) somehow hit her foot perfectly into a small hole in the road and went down fast & hard into the street. All those running behind us nearly ran into her and I stopped for a moment to help her only to hear the leaders order "KEEP RUNNING! Dave has her!",  so I resumed running trying to both run and look behind to see if she was ok. As explained, one of the leaders in the back of the running line was taking care of her and I was left to run alone til the guy behind me, who was on my heels most of the first half, ran up to run with me. He was annoying but I tuned into the music and tried to ignore him.

At mile 4.5 they had a water station and snack table for us plus lots of water to refill our water bottles and lots of different offerings of food fuel to try- they told us to experiment and see how the different items made you feel. They had potato pieces, bagel pieces, orange slices, grapes, pretzel pieces and much more. I grabbed a few grapes and refilled my water bottle which was nearly empty from the heat. We were then back running and off to finish the miles. My running partner returned here too and finished the run, bloodied knees and all.

At mile 6, my IT band near my left knee starting screaming at me..and every walk break afterwards was a blessing. I was unsure if I might need to stop before the 8 mile mark but I was determined that if I came that far I was not going to let go without a fight. Thank god for the run/walk training…today, there was no other way to have completed my longest run yet!  I was so happy when it was over, my legs hurt and I was done.

I felt great pretty quick afterwards and am thankful that next week is only another 8 mile to research fixing this IT band issue! 

My weekend is not quite over yet- With a 5k run tomorrow with friends still to be done- my monthly race commitment - I am thinking I may not race it and just jog it thru....but we shall see how I feel. Wish me luck! 
My pace group with the LA Leggers taken after our 8 mile run today!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

6 mile training run

I was worried about this training run this morning:  6 miles, new pace group, and the heat. 

Running slower than you typically run was really the first chance I have ever had to know how that big dog feels pulling on the leash trying to go faster. The first few miles were frustratingly slow and it felt like we stopped a lot. We ran 10 minutes and walked 1 minute for the whole six miles, up some great inclines, through the neighborhoods of Santa Monica running down the streets with 70 people two by two. 

The girl next to me was frustrated too, and twice, her and I devised a plan to sprint into the gaps up the chain closer to the front of the line. I loved it! 

What is interesting so far, is you hardly need music running with a group. You are so busy passing signals and screaming warnings down the line, (car up! car down! walker right! car door! footing!) I was grateful to have have set my running app to notify of every two miles so I had a better idea where we were in the run and know as the heat increased that we were 2/3 done with the run. The view of some amazing houses in Santa Monica is not bad either - really beautiful. 

To celebrate the 6 mile run, I went to the sporting goods store and bought me some new gear for next week!  New visor, new drinking bottles & waistband, new socks and some new under armor undies- because panty lines are never acceptable! 

Next week -  8 miles!!!! I have never run that far yet, I am a little nervous.... But given my performance today I am feeling strong.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

4 miles with the LA Leggers!

My first run with the LA Leggers was exciting. I arrived at 6:45 am to listen to the lecture on what they expect of us for Mid-Week Training, according to the schedule they put together for this season.

At about 7:25am, we went out to the lawn and found our pace mile group. Though I was assigned the 10 min/pace group originally, I knew they run faster at a little over a 9 minute mile pace to make up for the walking breaks. It works out to a 10 min mile pace overall. Today I joined the 10.5 min pace group and hoped this was the right run pace for me. I was feeling pretty strong until about mile 2.5…I started to really feel the heat & the humidity was getting to me. I could feel me longing & praying for the walk breaks..I knew the pace was too intense for me at this point, especially in this heat.

I completed the run, but really was struggling to keep the pace the last mile (the last bit is uphill on the SM Pier road). We ran in line, two at a time, like Noahs Arc. I have to admit though that it was a beautiful run beachside, down Ocean Ave, onto Santa Monica pier and then onto the boardwalk. We ran South all the down into the City of Venice and back. I learned the run group lingo, learned the arm signals and learned to LOVE the walk breaks, where I could drink water and catch my breath for one whole minute!

We found out at the end, our pace run was 9:45 running and paced overall at 10:15 in the first half and 10:30 second half. We did a 6:1 run/walk ratio (6 minutes run then 1 minute walk). I think I am going to drop down to the 11 min mile group next week to be able to run at a slower pace. One of mentors I talked to afterwards suggested I might want to drop down a full minute…but I am not ready to go that slow yet, I just need to see where I find a comfortable pace but I know I am not quite the 10 min mile group runner yet. But there is time….I am excited to continue and learn how to build my mileage in a safe, effective way.

6 mile run next week!
Dear God, please turn down the heat for the next one!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Bad Run Days

Some days...your runs are just terrible. You start out stiff but usually you warm up quickly and find a stride. Not today.

Today, I began my run slow and tried to include sprints- but when I did the first sprint, I could feel my lungs heavy and I thought I was at the start of an asthma attack. I ran slower and tried to feel out how to proceed. There was some pace I was picking up but I could feel my lungs were not functioning well and it kept rattling thru my mind,  "what did I eat to cause today's asthma?" made no sense, and I just knew this run was going downhill quickly.

I conceded that this was going to be a bad run day. I then decided that listening to my body would be the best thing I could do now that I was out in the middle of it. However, I had to walk before I hit mile 2, and walked several more times through my run. I began to suppose at the end that perhaps bad run days exist to make the good run days shine...and just chalked it as another run- none the less. I can be better another day.

THE AHA MOMENT!: I realized on my commute into work today that a brown thick smog was laying over downtown LA- my workplace. Suddenly, it all made sense. the heavy lungs, the lack of ability to take a deep breath, I was suffering from the notorious LA SMOG day. Online Air reports supported my theory and another asthma sufferer at work confirmed they were struggling too. 

I hope it all clears out by Saturday when I must run again with the group- 4 miles. I really do not want another bad run and I don't think it's good to be out exercising in these conditions.  Fingers crossed for a nice strong breeze tomorrow to move all this out! 

Best song on bad a run day : God is a DJ- PINK

God is a DJ
Life is a dance floor
You get what you're given 
It's all how you use it

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Post Race Run

I was pretty sore on Saturday after doing my own personal relay race. Thankfully, while I had misjudged the biking to & from the race, I had the sanity to book an hour and half massage that afternoon.  She saved me though I think she enjoyed it far less with all my "ow!" and " wow that hurts!" remarks during the massage.

Obviously, I had to take Sunday off to rest and recoup but threw in Monday as an additional rest day purely for my own state of mind. And let's be honest, I was scared to run again for fear of feeling all those sore muscles telling me I am not 20 anymore!

So back to my morning 30 minute, 3 mile run... it was not as bad as I anticipated nor was it was good as I had really hoped. I felt the sore muscles out of the gate but once they warmed up,  it was better and as I was beginning to catch my pace and feel a groove, I hit the first was an ugly run up. All my muscles were screaming at me to walk but I kept running up it, trying to tune them out and concentrate on my music....Thank god a great dance song came on right when I needed it, as I needed some inspiration to get up that hill!  That song pushed me up & over. Amazing how music can help when you exercise!

With 93% humidity this morning, I finished my run a sweaty mess but happy that first run back is out of the way!  Onward and upward! 

Best song for getting up that hill or picking up your pace: Mr Saxobeat- Alexandra Stan
Fastest pace: 9:27
Avg Pace: 10:40
Distance: 3.12

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Race day!

I did it! Completed my first 10k (run only) race! I feel great that I did it but there are definitely things I would do different.

First, I would not have biked 8 miles to get to the race, run 6.2 miles then bike home another 8 miles! My legs were tired before I got there and I underestimated how far it really was from home. I was tired after the race and having to do the ride home again AFTER just running a 10k - what was I thinking???

I ran the first 3 miles straight thru and afterwards did an inconsistent  run/walk the rest of the race, walking thru water stations or when I was feeling a little tired. I ran at 10 min pace first 3 miles then slowed it down after at about 3.5 miles in,  finishing the race at around 1:05 - (final race time not in yet).

There was a man in his 60's running near me keeping me motivated and was so happy running- high fiving the other old guys running as we ran past them on the other side of the street. He said I was looking strong and said he was very old, slow and likely senile but I told him he looked pretty strong to me running this race and told him if he can do it, I can do it!

I think next time I will walk more regularly and I need to work on turning off the time clock in my head.  They screamed the time at you at each mile marker, which made it hard to stop when I thought I was doing pretty good on time..I can see how running with a group or pace group could really help me get thru these in the future. Looking forward to it!

Now I am at home icing my sore knee, and made an hour & half massage appointment to celebrate!  I can't imagine how I will do that half marathon yet but good to know I am getting stronger every run! 
Best motivating race song: Jackson Five- Dancing Machine

Friday, August 23, 2013

10k or bust

Well, I wish I could write that I was feeling totally ready for this run but considering I only ran 3 miles this week and was stressed out in continual corporate meetings instead - I am feeling physically & emotionally unready for a challenging run. Add in dancing into the night mid week in ridiculously high heels and having swollen, tender and blistered feet, this is likely the worst prep I could have possibly done for a long timed run.

Did I mention that I also have to ride 6 miles to the run first??? Aaaaaah!!!!!!

Ok- at this point, tomorrow's race  is about finishing a 10k and not about form, timing, or pace. I am going to take this run slow and easy before I have to ride the additional 6 miles back home. (Sigh)

Thank god for real training on the horizon that I can feel good about! 

Wish me luck on this one! 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Running in numbers !

Today I joined the LA Leggers! A Santa Monica based running club that trains runners to do half marathons and more specifically the LA Marathon next March. There must have been 200 people there all with the same dream and scared look on their faces. The best surprise to me - most of them were not that 'Uber fit' athlete you imagine taking on a marathon. They looked like regular people, all shapes & sizes!

I was tired (5:30 am wake up) and nervous going to the new member orientation but immediately all my fears were put to rest. I met some people, compared goals and listened to the leaders talk about how they work and what to expect. Many are simply walking the marathon, others are just slow runners with a goal…I began to feel more at ease and more like I fit in this group of hopefuls.

We then got into small groups and did a timed mile- they ask you to not race but to run a comfortable speed to carry a conversation but to be honest it is really hard not to race those around you. I had to pull myself back a couple times but still came in at 8:59 and was then put into the 10:00 min mile group. (though thankfully, I am told I can vacillate between running groups on days I feel faster or slower)

Following registration I picked up our training kit and shirt and met my minute mile leaders. Quick intros and discussion on tips for my upcoming 10k and they wished me well and gave me happy "See you in 2 weeks!"

I am both scared and excited to begin and now they have me wondering if I can take on the LA marathon next March with the rest of them...hmmm, maybe….but maybe I should take this one week at a time, no need to jump ahead of myself just yet.

And, I am off to races! Today I made a promise to myself aloud,  I WILL run that half marathon- and after that- well, hope springs eternal! 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

5 Mile run accomplished !

My run this week was probably not my best- but I did it... I ran 5 miles and actually I think I ran more than that but how much more is still in question. It seems as I was rounding my way closer to home I checked my iPhone run tracker app to see if I might need to add another block or two to get to 5 miles. At that point I see 4.65 miles and realize I just need another block run and back and I have hit my goal! Tired but still determined, I ran around the block and as I was rounding the corner to my house, I was dragging and looked at my tracker to see if I might have already hit it and I can walk finally....but instead I see 4.65 again!!!  WHAT?????!!!!! 

I realized at that moment I must have hit the stop button somehow when I checked heart sank.  I am exhausted, and I have no idea if I just hit my all time best distance or not. As I walked back the rest of the way, I was angry and disappointed. Can I really celebrate an estimated win? 

I remembered that I still had my fitbit tracker on and synced it with my iPhone - it said I had hit over 5 miles but it is also not the most accurate in matching my tracker and it underestimates often. But somehow it all felt anticlimactic and I was disappointed I had no record of the great run I had anticipated. 

It took me most of this week to get over it and let go of perfection, I need to enjoy the fact that I did what I set out to do- run 5 miles!!! 

I am stronger than I thought I was and getting stronger and that is enough. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Sidelined by a virus.

So my run on last Tuesday was horrible - 3.23 mi, 11 min/mi but I felt awful. I could not figure out why it was so hard and I began to doubt that I will ever be able to do a half let alone the upcoming 10k. You doubt yourself on bad run days- negative thoughts fill your mind...what are you  doing??? You are not a runner! How on earth will you run the 10k and its right around the corner..3.23 just nearly killed you!

My legs were hurting, my body was not feeling it and I just decided to stop & rest. However, the next day I felt worse and I began to get a fever intermittently. No appetite, feeling super tired, and I just simply could not shake the fever for more that a couple hours with advil.  I stayed home from work 2 days last week and did not exercise. I was still thinking the whole time I laid on the sofa resting and sleeping, that I may end up regressing from being sick and not running. I worried about the first day back...Would I have lost the momentum I gained thus far?

Saturday: Still not feeling 100% but feeling better than I had all week. I was supposed to join the LA Leggers, a local running/training club that helps people train for Half & Marathons, on Saturday for orientation & a timed run to know what group I would be running with from August thru next March. Thankfully, they have another orientation next Saturday which I will make- come hell or high water!

Sunday: I felt more like myself and went for a short run- it was hard, my body was still kinda fighting me but I got interupted on my cell phone nearing mile two and had to run home to see a friend that dropped by that morning. To be honest, I was grateful she interuppted my run, I had more time to recoup and still got a short little run in my weekend. Tomorrow I will run for distance- 5 miles, I hope! I have my 10k run on Aug 24 which is right around the corner! I have to make up for lost time and get back some self confidence in my running abilities! To my surprise, running is not just a test on my body's fitness & endurance, it is also becoming very challenging for me mentally.

Wish me luck tomorrow morning!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Hills & sprints

After doing nothing yesterday and eating 3 cupcakes while watching TV...I decided to vary my run today. I took on the higher hilly neighborhoods of Redondo. With a cloudy day and a late start - you would think 68 degrees would feel better but with 85% humidity, my run was a muggy one. 

Beautiful homes help break up the thoughts of taking on each hill and higher climb as I rounded each corner. The downhills were sweet relief! I ended the run with a cool down walk and added all out sprints all the way home. None the less I had a great and challenging run that was not based on my time or distance, just me vs. me. The hardest person to please. 

Today's run: 2.6 mi
Weight: post cupcake day- 131
Pace: 11:18 (with 8:36 at fastest clearly downhill)
Music : P!NK

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tough Thursday turns Great!

After 2 days off not exercising (due to a conference) getting in a good run this morning I knew would be challenging. I decided to just go out and see how I feel & go with it. 

I have to admit at the start I was still half asleep. I felt like I was fighting the first mile- and having the news reported  in my ears did not provide any inspiration. Lucky for me, the streaming radio signal fell out and while in mid run I had to take my iPhone out of the arm band and choose my playlist music. The tunes really helped me get up some of those hills. Oh no! I had suddenly realized, was I trying for distance, pace or simply running to run?

I had set the meter on my cell but was running without a clear intention and now well into my run...I was so tired when I started that I was just putting myself in motion to help me feel better. I decided to just run slow and steady and not try to improve anything...but the longer I was out the more I wanted to run. So today I was out for over 45 minutes and I was thrilled to have done so non-stop..and on a day I was feeling so blah at my start!! 

I think I am on my way to becoming that runner after all! 

Today's run: 4.57 miles
Weight: after the conference I was too afraid to get on the scale!
Pace: 11:19 ish
Music: Gnarls Barkley

Monday, July 29, 2013

Training: Running Groups, Trainers & Apps - oh my!

Seems with all the apps out there - you need to be using several at one time to get what you need.  I have been using (though not faithfully til this week) 10K Runner app. I need help to build up to the 10k I have to run in August. I am only a couple miles away but am hoping to do it right and not overdo it. However, the app only provides a running plan and voice que's on what to be doing. I still have to run my music on another app and then I am left without knowing my pace, or mileage. Which I had previously been recording on Walkmeter - but not using the planning only documenting what I was doing & where I was at with my activities. I hate the thought of investing in a GPS watch but my phone can only run so many apps at one time.

I realize my inexperience is showing here- but as I read reviews of new apps that might do more- I see the same or similar complaints repeated.

I am also realizing after this 10k, I need to buckle down & find some better training...where to begin? Running groups? private training? Meetup? Join a group training in September for LA marathon thru Asics? While I am not running a marathon, I like the idea of something lower cost - glad I still have time to plan for Austin...but feeling overwhelmed at which way to go.

I guess like everything, it's one foot in front of the other.
Today's Run: 4.2 miles
Weight: 130
Pace: ?
Music: Eminem

Saturday, July 27, 2013

First training LSD

Today I decided to try LSD- long, slow distance run...since my typical run is 3.2 mile max and I need to get to 6 miles for the 10k- I decided to run a slow 4 miler and build from there..

It really felt good not to fight a pace but to just run for distance..pace was 11:36, super slow but enjoyed my tunes and tried new routes with some hills..

Today I feel confident ! Mabe I can do this?! 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Good News!

I posted on Facebook that I was considering attempting the half-marathon in Austin next February and something wonderful happened- my friend Kat in San Diego asked if I wanted company & thought perhaps this could be her new goal too. She wrote "let's do it!" and I could have screamed aloud to know that this crazy idea from an easy jogger, could spark the interest of a very dear, non-runner friend too!

Let's just go back to my childhood and even most of my adult years..I was never a runner. My asthma made it difficult to maintain any healthy schedule or life. I practically spent most of my early years in the Dr's office or hospital with one asthma issue or another. The last few years though, being healthy has been my life goal...and my exclusion of wheat and dairy has made me the healthiest I have ever been. I have begun to run for fun & personal challenges- but those were 5k runs- quick 30 minute spurts. However, this year, with a runner friend at work, I have stepped up my game to try to be a real runner & see if I can push past my fears,(and knee and hip issues) to become the runner I always dreamed of being- seeing these athletes run by in 10k races, triatholons, marathons, and making me wish I had the genetics to try something so amazingly challenging.

This year, I ran a 5k in May for Vets, then June attempted the Pendleton Mud Run (10k & obstacle course) I trained hard for those getting myself into enough shape to do these runs, push myself a little harder and do what I imagined was not possible. I never ran a 10k before, or a mud run , nor an obstacle course- how was I to do all of it??? but I did...and July 4th, I ran another 5k and I beat my time from last year by 2 minutes! I will attempt a 10k (no obstacle) on Aug 25 and if I can do that run...I think I can begin to train for a half marathon & really learn how to run properly.

I am so excited...not to win anything or break a personal record- but simply to try. I fear this effort will probably be more mentally challenging but I am so excited to try to do what I thought was once impossible. Asthma & age be damned! I am on my way to do, at 40-something, what I thought was never possible in my younger years.

Wish me luck!