Sunday, August 4, 2013

Hills & sprints

After doing nothing yesterday and eating 3 cupcakes while watching TV...I decided to vary my run today. I took on the higher hilly neighborhoods of Redondo. With a cloudy day and a late start - you would think 68 degrees would feel better but with 85% humidity, my run was a muggy one. 

Beautiful homes help break up the thoughts of taking on each hill and higher climb as I rounded each corner. The downhills were sweet relief! I ended the run with a cool down walk and added all out sprints all the way home. None the less I had a great and challenging run that was not based on my time or distance, just me vs. me. The hardest person to please. 

Today's run: 2.6 mi
Weight: post cupcake day- 131
Pace: 11:18 (with 8:36 at fastest clearly downhill)
Music : P!NK

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