So I got up had some coffee, ate half a bagel and headed out. At about 3/4 of a mile from home I realize I forgot my water bottle on the counter..and now that I thnk of it, I forgot my watch too...wait...feels like I need a bathroom as well...ugh!!!
I turn and head back home- it's feeling like a hot day ahead so I know I cannot do without. Today is my last run through before game day so I need all the things I plan to use in this rehearsal. I get home, get what I need and head back out. My day is not starting off great as I am already an hour behind schedule and feeling sluggish ...but clearly determined.
Around mile 4-5 I am feeling soooo tired. I just want to go home. I try to get lost in the tunes but my mind is working overtime telling me "the body is unwell- what are you doin?" "Cut this run short and rest!" " do you wanna pass out? How 'Bout we stop soon?" " you really think in this kinda shape you are going to be able to run 13.1 miles?" " I think you should skip next week and just do your original plan to run in Feb!"
I have to push back...I argue with myself. " I can do this! I have been running for months! You are just tired because you have been sick, and your monthly cycle means you are running on low estrogen!"
" you will be stronger next week in every way!" " chill out, I am only running 8 miles today" " enjoy the 1 min walks- see I am taking it easy?!"
Finally, rounding home- the last half mile was excruciating...I was hot, tired and I just wanted to go get back on the sofa and rest.
I did it though...8 miles (technically 9.5 miles if you count the initial run and return)
Maybe not the best thing I have done but I have been training during this whole illness anyways...and this time- I have antibiotics in my system helping me push onward.
Nearly there...I am terrified..but excited to try.
Now back to bed.
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