Thursday, July 25, 2013

Good News!

I posted on Facebook that I was considering attempting the half-marathon in Austin next February and something wonderful happened- my friend Kat in San Diego asked if I wanted company & thought perhaps this could be her new goal too. She wrote "let's do it!" and I could have screamed aloud to know that this crazy idea from an easy jogger, could spark the interest of a very dear, non-runner friend too!

Let's just go back to my childhood and even most of my adult years..I was never a runner. My asthma made it difficult to maintain any healthy schedule or life. I practically spent most of my early years in the Dr's office or hospital with one asthma issue or another. The last few years though, being healthy has been my life goal...and my exclusion of wheat and dairy has made me the healthiest I have ever been. I have begun to run for fun & personal challenges- but those were 5k runs- quick 30 minute spurts. However, this year, with a runner friend at work, I have stepped up my game to try to be a real runner & see if I can push past my fears,(and knee and hip issues) to become the runner I always dreamed of being- seeing these athletes run by in 10k races, triatholons, marathons, and making me wish I had the genetics to try something so amazingly challenging.

This year, I ran a 5k in May for Vets, then June attempted the Pendleton Mud Run (10k & obstacle course) I trained hard for those getting myself into enough shape to do these runs, push myself a little harder and do what I imagined was not possible. I never ran a 10k before, or a mud run , nor an obstacle course- how was I to do all of it??? but I did...and July 4th, I ran another 5k and I beat my time from last year by 2 minutes! I will attempt a 10k (no obstacle) on Aug 25 and if I can do that run...I think I can begin to train for a half marathon & really learn how to run properly.

I am so excited...not to win anything or break a personal record- but simply to try. I fear this effort will probably be more mentally challenging but I am so excited to try to do what I thought was once impossible. Asthma & age be damned! I am on my way to do, at 40-something, what I thought was never possible in my younger years.

Wish me luck!

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